Five stages of aging

I’m getting a little long in the tooth, as they say, and I’ve been having aging on my mind, so I thought I’d do a humorous post on it. I do keep in my mind that getting older is a blessing and thank God for my good health.

  1. Stage one is your 20s. You are Superman and invincible. You can be out all night, get home, shower, and head right out for a full day’s activities.
  2. Stage two is your 30s and 40s. You’re starting to feel that kryptonite and might need a day or two to recover from that night out.
  3. Stage three is your 50s and 60s. Your body starts to complain and you get twinges in your knees and hips.
  4. In your 70s and 80s, those knees and hips just might need replacing.
  5. In your 90s and beyond, life comes full circle.

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