Five stages of aging

I’m getting a little long in the tooth, as they say, and I’ve been having aging on my mind, so I thought I’d do a humorous post on it. I do keep in my mind that getting older is a blessing and thank God for my good health.

  1. Stage one is your 20s. You are Superman and invincible. You can be out all night, get home, shower, and head right out for a full day’s activities.
  2. Stage two is your 30s and 40s. You’re starting to feel that kryptonite and might need a day or two to recover from that night out.
  3. Stage three is your 50s and 60s. Your body starts to complain and you get twinges in your knees and hips.
  4. In your 70s and 80s, those knees and hips just might need replacing.
  5. In your 90s and beyond, life comes full circle.

Spot the PR

I was always the type of person to take at face value whatever I saw or read on the news, without giving much thought that there may be people with agendas behind it who would like me to believe a certain way and will feed me half truths or outright lies. I have in the recent few years come to a sort of red pilling, as they call it, of how much propaganda we get fed through the various media we consume, whether it’s the news or social media. This has made me have a ‘guilty until proven innocent’ kind of approach, even to people in my life. Because people in general, can often fail to be straight forward and if they don’t agree with you on something, they may opt to just go along to get along and you think that this person agrees with you on an issue until a crisis brings out the truth.

When I watch the news now or scroll through my social media, I try to spot the PR. Is this the actual story or is there an agenda behind it? Some of it is so subtle that you consume it and it subconsciously affects your opinions or beliefs without you even knowing. I’ve been reading up on PR lately and realized it’s such an important subject that literally everyone should be educated about. I’m currently reading a book called Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, damned lies and the Public Relations Industry. This book is a classic on the subject of PR and makes us savvy to the tricks of the trade.

One of the classic examples that’s well known in the PR world is from the father of PR himself, a man called Edward Bernays, who was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology. He is credited with popularizing the smoking of cigarettes by women, by planting some actresses he hired to smoke openly as they participated in a women’s march. When the newspapers were writing their coverage of the event, he made sure to supply them with these pictures showing these classy women lighting up and smoking in public, branded it as a women’s liberation act, and thus managed to break the taboo of women smoking in public and it became a cool thing to do.

Imagine reading an article about an actual thing that happened, so it’s real news, but what is targeting you is the picture accompanying the article, targeting your subconscious to change your attitude or opinion about something. That’s quite different from a straightforward ad telling you to ‘drink this coffee, it’s the best coffee’ or something like that.

Governments use PR to affect public opinion about policies they would like to make or change. If they want to go to war, they fire up the PR machine and incite the public against the enemy, and voila, they can have their war, or make some laws that perhaps the public would have been against but the public opinion has now been changed by the propaganda machine.

Sometimes we may never get to know the agenda till much later. Or maybe there is no agenda, perhaps it’s just the news. But always better to keep an eye open and try to spot the PR.

Babylon USA

I’m very much into bible prophecy so let me take you all on a mini prophecy course today. One of the major prophetic figures in the book of Revelation is an entity referred to as Babylon the great or mystery Babylon, depicted as a ‘great prostitute who sits on many waters’. (Revelation 17:1) Not a flattering description. The original Babylon was the capital of an empire that existed from around 1800 BC according to Google.

In more recent times, we know that the Babylonians took the nation of Israel into captivity around 600 BC under the king at the time, Nebuchadnezzar. The original Babylon in it’s time was a prosperous city that ruled over what was basically the greatest world empire at the time. This latter days mystery Babylon is also a ‘great city that rules over the kings of the earth’. (Revelation 17:18)

There are therefore many debates amongst prophecy buffs as to which modern day city is mystery Babylon. Is it Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca? Perhaps New York? My contention is for New York for which I’ll present my case here. I will mention though that I used to follow Joel Richardson’s teachings and his view is that Islam is the end times empire and therefore Mecca is mystery Babylon which I previously would have agreed with.

However my views have since changed and I need to mention this because I had endorsed this view in my book which is available here on Amazon. (shameless plug lol) But my view has now changed so I consider this post as a sort of update to my book.

So why is New York mystery Babylon? Well, New York is represented by the statue of liberty which is basically a woman who sits on many waters, right? New York is also the center of modern international trade because of their control over the US dollar which is the currency in which most international trade is denominated.

Mystery Babylon is a center of international trade where ships from all over the earth come carrying their goods and ‘all who have ships on the sea become rich through her wealth’. (Revelation 18:19) The statue of liberty sits in New York harbor where a lot of traffic of cargo ships passes everyday and this has been so since the earliest days of the US and is what made the city a prosperous and commercial capital.

A final thing to note is that there is a town or village in New York actually called Babylon. I find this very interesting. On the map of the entire world, apart from the original ancient Babylon which is in modern day Iraq, the only other place that has a town called Babylon is in New York. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

This final Babylon is supposed to be ‘consumed by fire’ (Revelation 18: 8) in the final war of Armageddon such that the smoke will be visible from afar, in a way that makes us think of perhaps a nuclear attack? And interesting to note that New York City recently sent out a PSA warning it’s residents of do’s and don’ts in case of a nuclear attack.

Anyway, this is my theory I’m just putting out there. There’s a guy who’s made a documentary called Babylon USA and I will note that according to the documentary, he says Washington D.C is mystery Babylon which is where he and I differ. However if you think of Babylon as the capital city of a land (Babylonia) then America in general represents that land of which it’s capital would be the final Babylon. I take this capital to be New York and specifically because of the presence of the statue of liberty which I take to be the marker.

It’s interesting to note that France recently sent a small scale replica of the statue of liberty to Washington D.C so maybe the guy in the documentary may still be right. If you think of America as the land in general and the capital city as the final Babylon, is it New York or is it Washington D.C? I lean towards New York.

I know prophecy is not everyone’s cup of tea so thanks for letting me indulge myself for today. I think most people are looking around at what’s going in in the world today and are like how are we not living in the last days? I think we are and in fact Athey Creek’s prophecy update for September is reminding us that we need to be Keeping Watch.

Your jar of oil will not run dry

The story of the woman who’s jar of oil did not run dry as told to us in 1 Kings 17 is a reminder to us of the fact that God’s provision for us will not run out until the proper time, when the next provision is prepared. The land was experiencing a drought and God’s word to her through the prophet Elijah was that the jar of oil and flour would not run out until the day it rained.

Jesus tells us not to worry in Matthew 6 and says that each day has enough problems of it’s own. Therefore we should not worry about tomorrow because God’s provision for tomorrow will be there when we get there. This is a lesson worth remembering every now and then.

Wishing you a worry free week.


Buy my book El Roi: The God who sees me available here on Amazon and leave me a positive review if you enjoy it.

Switching to healthy oils in 2022

I have never known that so called vegetable or seed oils are actually bad for your health. I’ve been watching all these videos about good health and supplements so my 2022 will be all about that. Starting with a resolution to switch to using ghee in my cooking. Ghee apparently has many health benefits like essential vitamins and minerals that are good for us.

This video especially impacted me where they talk about how, according to the their theory anyway, the side effects of the vegetable oils can include macular degeneration or vision loss. This is something that unfortunately my mother is currently dealing with and will probably have to undergo eye surgery this year.

As I get older, I’m getting more health conscious and so that’s my resolution for the new year. I wish you all a very healthy 2022.

New world order and the antichrist

These are the things that have been running through my head and I’m like end of the world, coming right up!

For those who are of like mind or maybe interested, I have been watching the prophecy update from this YouTube channel (link below) which I just stumbled upon recently. It’s a monthly update so it’s not too overwhelming but keeps you in that frame of mind that you need to be ready for the times we’re living in.

Wishing everyone a great week.

Verse for the week

Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you and you will honor me. Psalms 50: 14-15.

I love this verse from Psalms 50. It reminds me not to complicate my relationship with God. So often we get into performance based relationship with God where we want to show Him how good we are and how much we’ve done. The Israelites had gotten into a sort of performance based sacrificing but God says in verse 9: I have no need of a bull from your stall. Do I eat the flesh of bulls?

In one of Jesus’ encounters, someone once asked Him, Teacher, what should we do that we may do the works of God? And Jesus answer was simple: Believe on the one whom He sent. God does not demand so much from us. He simply wants us to be thankful, fulfill our vows to Him, which I translate as being people of integrity who do what we say, and finally, in the day of trouble, call on Him. Simple formula.

Growing through difficulty

One thing we have to realize is that God is not going to deliver us from every difficulty. He is not going to keep us from every challenge. If He did, we would never grow. The Scripture says, “Our faith is tried in the fire of affliction.” When you’re in a tough time, that’s an opportunity for your faith to shine. Anybody can get negative and bitter, blame God, or lose their passion. That’s easy.

But if you want to pass the test, if you want God to take you to a new level, you cannot be a weakling. You have to be a warrior. Dig your heels in and say as the apostle Paul, “I can handle it. I’m ready for it. I’m equal to it. I know God is still on the throne. He is fighting my battles, and on the other side of this difficulty is a new level of my destiny!”

Credit: Joel Osteen

God’s goodness running after me

I’ve had this song on replay lately and it includes the lyrics that your goodness is running after me and at some point I was tempted to feel like, well, that’s not true in my life though. Then I attended a bible study that reminded me of the caveat on this statement, which is that you have to keep God first in your life.

God is a good God of blessings but He is also a jealous God and a loving God. He doesn’t want to just load us with blessings that unfortunately then become a stumbling block for us to where our hearts are now set on the blessing rather than Him.

Jesus cautions us in the parable of the sower that pursuit of worldly cares and wealth can become thorns that choke the fruit of God’s word in our life. This is why we have to go through difficult times in our life every now and then. It builds up our character and refocuses us on what’s important.

The life we live on this earth is so fleeting. David in Psalms 39:6 says Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom. In vain they rush about, heaping up wealth without knowing whose it will finally be.

I get worried especially in this age of voluntary yet compulsory vaccination where people are literally getting fired for refusing the jab, and I know I’m wading into a hornet’s nest here. People are giving up their good health for some temporary gain which is their job or some travel or some such thing.

The bible warns us not to rely on man but God. Isaiah 31 warns the Israelites who were relying on Egypt to win a war that it would be no help to them and that in the end those who help will stumble, those who are helped will fall; all will perish together. (Isaiah 31:3)

So we have, unfortunately, people taking the vaccine for their job then they still get fired because they get so sick that they can’t do the work. I read a sad story of an athlete who took the jab to go for the Olympics but once they arrived there, she tested positive for covid and so still could not participate.

My brothers and sisters, keep God first in your life and He will come through for you. Then you will see His goodness running after you.